Aloes, aloes
Essential medicinal succulent plant
Aloès, Aloe, Aloes, lalwé, lalwa, alwé, lalwès, medecin plant, sabila, aloès des Antilles, aloès de Barbade, laloi, pat laloi, zabila, common aloe, zavila, bitter aloes, single bible, …
Mediterranean basin
Acaule plant (without visible stem) or short succulent stem. The leaves are fleshy, lanceolate, 30 to 60cm long, finished in fine point and pinion. The inflorescence is on a stipe of up to 1.20m with lanceolate or ovate bracts, pointed. The flowers are yellow, 2.5cm long and in dense clusters of 10 to 30cm. The dehiscent capsule (fruit) contains black seeds.
Seeds or rooted cutting
Culture and care
Aloes can withstand a moderate to very dry climate and are not very demanding provided the soil is well drained in full sun or in the middle of shade. They can handle the seaside. Minimum winter temperatures are in the 5°C range. You can hibernate them upside down in bare root in the garage if your climate is too cold and you have no room inside.
- Medicinal use
For asthma and colds: Peel the leaf and liquefy 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 g) of the juice (gel, pulp or mesophyll) in 1 cup (250 mL) of water. Drink 1 cup 1 to 2 times a day.
Or decoction or infusion with the same proportions, drink 1 cup twice a day (Source: TRAMIL).
For baldness, cuts, scrapes and blisters of the skin: Wash and peel the leaf, take 15-20g (1-2 spoonfuls) of gel and apply it to the skin of the affected area or to the scalp twice a day (Source: TRAMIL)
It is not recommended to use aloe by oral goose in pregnant or breastfeeding women because aloe makes milk bitter and leads to diarrhea in infants. Also avoid using it during periods of menstruation. Do not give to young children, as well as in cases of prostatitis, cystitis, hemorrhoids, bladder and intestinal disorders. Do not use for extended periods and do not exceed recommended doses.
- Ornemental use
Very nice indoor plant. Can be planted as a single plant or in a rocky massif.
- Alimentary use
- Other uses
After sun
The Aloe name comes from the Arabic word “allhoch”, “alal” in Hebrew, meaning brilliant, bitter and “vera”, true.
Aloe has been used by Egyptians for over 3,000 years to embalm mummies and treat eye diseases. Today it is widely used in many dermatological diseases and burns.
In the West Indies, the yellowish juice that flows when a leaf is cut was applied to children’s thumbs to prevent them from sucking it. The same goes for those who chewed their nails.
Anti-scratch dressing: Cut thin strips of Aloe meat the size of a dressing, wrap them separately with stretch film and put them in the freezer. Quick effect!